My first quiz created on Interact – Take the Quiz

I walked in determined circles around the darkened studio, the red light from my earbuds casting a faint glow against the darkest bits of black curtain. I was completely absorbed in my Gone Girl audiobook, shooting boxes of crackers or cell phones or some other mind-numbingly, similarly-shaped product.

That sounds bad, but in all honesty, I mean mind-numbing in the most beautiful sense of the word. The ability to let my body work while my mind escaped into a story was one of my favorite things about being a product photographer.

I wasn’t just a photographer that day, I was also the wickedly smart heroine who was internally snarking about meeting people at dull parties. She was a quiz writer, and that fascinated me. I remember wondering if I’d missed my calling somehow.

How does one acquire such a fun-filled and unique job title?

Well before quizzes went digital it seems a degree in psychology would be an appropriate prerequisite along with some experience writing, at least that was the path the Gone Girl character had gone down.

The drama-filled thriller played on and I let go of any frivolous ideas I may have had about becoming a quiz-writer myself, happy enough to live vicariously through books, as I so often do.

Well, at least until I heard of Interact.

It was one day, many years later I was scrolling through social media and an ad popped out at me.

Wait, there’s an app to make quizzes AND it doubles as a lead magnet that automatically segments your email list? What?!?

I was instantly hooked and started working on my own quiz that same day.

The metrics from my first quiz.

Interact had a free trial for newbies, but I didn’t start the trial until I had written up my first draft of questions, answers and quiz results.

When I finally did sign up for Interact’s free trial the excitement flooded me again as waves of supportive emails streamed into my inbox with all kinds of hints, tips, and practical information that helped me to hone my quiz into a super-engaging click magnet.

They even have a community and free weekly coaching calls on how to create and advertise the best quiz for your business.

I can’t stress how much this company has impressed me over the past few months.

Not only is Interact impressive, with its easy-to-use platform that has everything you need to create unlimited quizzes, but the results of my quiz were amazing too.

Most people who took it were happy to play along all the way to the end and the conversion rate of those who wanted to sign up for more at the end was higher than I’ve seen in any lead magnet I’ve ever used (and I’ve been creating and experimenting with lead magnets for my ever-evolving business since 2013).

Yes that image shows the results of my very first quiz. Yes that’s a 30% conversion rate and yes I got 38 leads! I ran an ad on Instagram for a week or two and spent around $50 to achieve those results.

I’m in the process of relaunching my quiz (and creating a new one!) to lead to a free course I’m creating, and so I’m really excited to see what’s in store for the future.

If you’re interested in seeing how a quiz could work for attracting the right people to your business you can get access to Interact’s 14-day free trial and make your own quiz right here:

Make sure to look for Interact’s emails after you sign up, there’s gold in them!

They’ll let you know how you can join their community, the Quiz Collective. That’s where you can get feedback on your quiz from other people and join one of their weekly office hours about quiz building and promoting your quiz with FB ads.

And I just discovered that Interact has a bunch of self-paced courses and quizzes to guide you as well if want to dive right in! Pretty cool.

Interact has resources for budding quiz makers to dive right in!

I’m a proud affiliate, and so if you use that link and end up investing in Interact to grow your email list I’ll get a much-appreciated kickback. Thank you!

And hey, if do you end up gettin’ quizzy wit’ it, feel free to post a link to your quiz in the comments below. I’d love to give your quiz a whirl!

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